Kushiel's Mercy is the third and final book in the Imriel trilogy.
Plot summary[]
It begins with Imriel returning from Alba with Sidonie after burying Berlik's head at the foot of Dorelei's grave. Both Imriel and Sidonie have to deal with the consternation and suspicions that their relationship causes. Ysandre tells Imriel that if he brings Melisande to justice then she will give her blessing to his and Sidonie's union. Before Imriel can do this thing, though, the city is brought under a terrible spell and Imriel must travel far to save Terre D'Ange and all that he knows and loves.
Cover gallery[]
House Montrève
Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève—Comtesse de Montrève
Joscelin Verreuil— Phèdre's consort; Cassiline Brother (Siovale)
Imriel nó Montrève de la Courcel— Phèdre's foster-son (also member of the Royal Family)
Hugues, Gilot (deceased)— men-at-arms
Eugènie— mistress of the household, townhouse
Members of the D'Angeline Royal Family
Ysandre de la Courcel—Queen of Terre d'Ange; wed to Drustan mab Necthana
Sidonie de la Courcel—elder daughter of Ysandre; heir to Terre d'Ange
Alais de la Courcel—younger daughter of Ysandre
Imriel nó Montrève de la Courcel— cousin; son of Benedicte de la Courcel (deceased) and Melisande Shahrizai
Barquiel L'Envers—uncle of Ysandre; Royal Commander; Duc L'Envers (Namarre)
House Shahrizai
Melisande Shahrizai—mother of Imriel; wed to Benedicte de la Courcel (deceased)
Mavros, Roshana, Baptiste Shahrizai—cousins of Imriel
Members of the Royal Court
Ghislain nó Trevalion—noble; Royal Commander; son of Percy de Somerville (deceased)
Bernadette de Trevalion—noble, wed to Ghislain, sister of Baudoin (deceased)
Bertran de Trevalion—son of Ghislain and Bernadette
Amaury Trente—noble, former Commander of the Queen's Guard
Julien and Colette Trente—children of Amaury
Raul L'Envers y Aragon—son of Nicola and Ramiro (see Aragonia)
Denise Grosmaine—Secretary of the Presence
Drustan mab Necthana—Cruarch of Alba; wed to Ysandre de la Courcel
Breidaia—Sister of Drustan, daughter of Necthana
Talorcan—son of Breidaia
Dorelei (deceased)—daughter of Breidaia, wed to Imriel
Sibeal—sister of Drustan, daughter of Necthana, wed to Hyacinthe
Hyacinthe—Master of the Straits, wed to Sibeal
Grainne mac Conor—Lady of the Dalriada
Eamonn mac Grainne, Mairead, Brennan, Caolinn, Conor—Lady Grainne's children
Brigitta—Skaldi wife of Eamonn
Urist—commander of the garrison of Clunderry
Berlik (deceased), Morwen (deceased)—magicians of the Maguin Dhonn
Ptolemy Solon—Governor
Leander Maignard—D'Angleine expatriate
Astegal, House of Sarkal—General of Carthage
Jabnit, House of Philosir—gem-merchant
Sunjata—Jabnit's assistant
Bodeshmun, House of Sarkal—Chief Horologist
Gillimas, House of Hiram—magistrate; member of the Unseen Guild
Kratos, Ghanim, Carthaginian Brothers One and Two—bearers
Gemelquart, House of Zinnrid—noble; member of the Unseen Guild
Roderico de Aragon—King of Aragonia
Justina—member of the Unseen Guild
Esme—bath-house attendant
Nicola L'Envers y Aragon—noble; kin to Queen Ysandre
Ramiro Zornín de Aragon—noble; kin to King Roderico
Serafin L'Envers y Aragon—son of Nicola and Ramiro
Rachel—D'Angeline chirurgeon
Liberio—army general
Aureliano—army captain
Marmion Shahrizai—D'Angeline exile
Leopoldo—Duke of Tibado
Janpier Iturralde—ambassador
Bixenta—keeper of the guesthouse
Nuno Agirre—messenger
Gaskon, Miquel—soldiers
Brother Thomas Jubert—Priest of Elua
Claude de Monluc—Captain of the Dauphine's Guard
Lelahiah Valai—Queen Ysandre's chirurgeon
Emile—Proprietor of the Cockerel
Quintilius Rousse—Royal Admiral, father of Eamonn
Favrielle nó Eglantine—couturiere
Bérèngere of Namarre—head of Naamah's Order
Amarante of Namarre—daughter of Bérèngere
Diokles Agallon—Ephesian ambassador; member of the Unseen Guild
Jean Le Blanc—noble
Tibault de Toluard—Marquis of Toluard (Siovale)
Oppius da Lippi—captain of the Aeolia
Lucius Tadius da Lucca—friend of Imriel's
Cladia Fulvia—Lucius' sister; member of the Unseen Guild
Maslin de Lombelon—former lieutenant in the Dauphine's Guard
Henri Voisin—captain in the D'Angeline Navy
Marc Faucon—lieutenant in the D'Angeline Navy
Gilbert Dumel—D'Angeline barge captain
Antonio Peruggi—Caerdicci trader
Isabel de Bretel—Baronesse of Bretel
Historical Figures
Benedicte de la Courcel (deceased)—great-uncle of Ysandre; Imriel's father
Baudoin de Trevalion (deceased)—cousin of Ysandre; executed for treason
Isidore d'Aiglemort (deceased)—noble; traitor turned hero (Camlach)
Waldemar Selig (deceased)—Skaldi warlord; invaded Terre d'Ange
Necthana (deceased)—mother of Drustan
The Mahrkagir (deceased)—mad ruler of Drujan; lord of Daršanga
Jagun (deceased)—the chief of the Kereyit Tatars
Gallus Tadius (deceased)—great-grandfather of Lucius
Cinhil Ru (deceased)—legendary leader of the Cruithne
Donnchadh (deceased)—legendary magician of the Maghuin Dhonn
Novels of the trilogies | |||||||||||||